I've been praying for our church to have its property these past few days (Years, I would say, but last week was intense because it feels like it's practically time to leave the building and have our own instead).
We have been renting this building in San Andres Bukid since 2007, and as we all know, the monthly rental tends to go higher every two or three years depending on the landlord's pressing need. Since it's pandemic, the financial situation of our church is not the same as it used to be. We either downgrade to a small building or rent a big house in Manila that can accommodate at least two families.
Early this morning, while I'm praying. God had a spoken word/message for me. "You are a church" Yes, I've been praying to have a new church building, but the truth is, the Church isn't a building but it is a gathered people. The church is who we are and not where we go. The miracles we witness and the move of the Holy Spirit in us.
So, wherever we go and do, we represent God.