Sunday, October 6, 2024

Embracing Aging

'My body and mind may fail, but you are my strength and my choice forever. All-Powerful Lord God, those who stay far from you will be lost, and you will destroy those who are unfaithful. It is good for me to be near you. I choose you as my protector, and I will tell you about your wonderful deeds.'

Psalms 73:26-28 CEV

Since I finished celebrating my 39th birthday, I've contemplated what to do once I get older. You know, as you age, your reputation or influence diminishes, and it feels like you yearn for the strength of a young person. I remember the days when I was still vigorous and active. I’m still young; I’m only 39, but it feels like being 39 in this generation is already as old as 60! The young people have the edge. Yes, I had my time, but in this day and age, I need to be competitive and maintain my edge or whatever expertise I have. However, after reading what the Psalmist said, it’s good to be near God. Though my body and mind may fail as I age, He will forever be my strength and choice.

It’s reassuring to know that the God I serve is the source of my strength and the source of youth today. I will choose Him as my protector so that I can share more about His wonderful deeds as I grow older.

Thursday, August 1, 2024

Embracing Disagreement and Authenticity

If no one is arguing with you then you’re doing it wrong! 

I’m at a stage of my life that I don’t give a damn about pleasing everyone. It's about standing by my decisions and values, even facing disagreements. Even when you’re a Christian, chances are not everyone inside the church agrees with your beliefs, demeanor, and principles. It's important to remain true to yourself even if you face opposition. Disagreement can be a sign that you’re making bold and necessary choices. Keep pushing forward and stay authentic to who you are.

Monday, May 27, 2024

Millennials: The Last Generation to Receive Tough Love


DALL·E 2024-05-27 22.26.37 - An image contrasting two generations_ Millennials and Gen Z. On one side, show a millennial, characterized by determination, resilience, and hard work

In a world increasingly defined by sensitivity and heightened emotional awareness, millennials stand out as the last generation to experience the gritty reality of tough love. This approach, once a cornerstone of upbringing, has faded in recent years, giving way to a more nurturing and accommodating style of parenting and societal interaction. The contrast between millennials and the newer generation, particularly Gen Z, is stark and telling of the cultural shifts that have occurred.

Tough Love: A Defining Trait of Millennial Upbringing

Millennials, those born between 1981 and 1996, grew up in an era where resilience and self-reliance were highly valued. Parents and educators alike embraced the philosophy of tough love, believing that challenges and failures were essential components of personal growth. This approach was rooted in the idea that experiencing and overcoming adversity would equip individuals with the skills needed to navigate the complexities of adulthood.

For millennials, tough love manifested in various forms: from being pushed to achieve academically without coddling to learning the harsh realities of the job market without the safety nets now more common. They were taught that success required hard work, persistence, and the ability to face criticism without crumbling. This upbringing has imbued millennials with a unique blend of determination and adaptability, qualities that are increasingly rare but incredibly valuable in today's fast-paced world.

Gen Z: The Snowflake Generation?

In contrast, Gen Z, born between 1997 and 2012, has been raised in a markedly different environment. Often labeled the "snowflake generation," Gen Z is characterized by heightened sensitivity and a propensity to avoid discomfort. This shift can be attributed to several factors, including the rise of digital technology, which has created a more connected but also more sheltered world, and changes in parenting styles that prioritize emotional well-being over resilience.

While it's essential to acknowledge that every generation has its strengths, the overprotective tendencies often associated with Gen Z have led to criticisms of their ability to handle adversity. The term "snowflake" reflects the perception that Gen Z members are prone to melting down in the face of challenges, preferring to seek safe spaces and validation rather than confronting difficulties head-on. This generational shift in attitude towards hardship and criticism has significant implications for their future in the workforce and personal development.

Why Millennials are Poised for Success

The unique upbringing of millennials, marked by tough love, positions them as strong contenders for success in business and career endeavors. Here are several reasons why millennials are likely to thrive where previous and newer generations might falter:

  1. Resilience and Adaptability: The tough love approach instilled a high degree of resilience in millennials. They are used to facing challenges and finding ways to overcome them, making them well-suited to navigate the uncertainties of the modern business landscape.
  2. Work Ethic: Having been raised with the understanding that hard work is essential for success, millennials tend to have a strong work ethic. This drives them to go the extra mile, continually seek improvement, and strive for excellence in their careers.
  3. Critical Thinking and Problem-Solving: Millennials learned early on to think critically and solve problems independently. This skill set is invaluable in business, where innovative solutions and strategic thinking are crucial for success.
  4. Balance of Technology and Human Skills: While millennials are technologically adept, having grown up during the digital revolution, they also understand the importance of interpersonal skills and emotional intelligence. This balance allows them to leverage technology effectively while maintaining meaningful human connections.
  5. Financial Savvy: Witnessing the economic challenges of their formative years, such as the 2008 financial crisis, has made millennials more financially prudent. They prioritize savings, investments, and strategic financial planning, which bodes well for long-term wealth accumulation.


Millennials, shaped by the tough love of their upbringing, are uniquely equipped to excel in today's demanding business world. Their resilience, work ethic, critical thinking, and balanced approach to technology and human interaction set them apart from both previous and newer generations. While Gen Z may bring fresh perspectives and digital fluency to the table, the foundational skills and attitudes ingrained in millennials through tough love position them as the generation most likely to achieve lasting success and financial prosperity.

Monday, September 6, 2021

We are the Church

I've been praying for our church to have its property these past few days (Years, I would say, but last week was intense because it feels like it's practically time to leave the building and have our own instead). 

We have been renting this building in San Andres Bukid since 2007, and as we all know, the monthly rental tends to go higher every two or three years depending on the landlord's pressing need. Since it's pandemic, the financial situation of our church is not the same as it used to be. We either downgrade to a small building or rent a big house in Manila that can accommodate at least two families.

Early this morning, while I'm praying. God had a spoken word/message for me. "You are a church" Yes, I've been praying to have a new church building, but the truth is, the Church isn't a building but it is a gathered people. The church is who we are and not where we go. The miracles we witness and the move of the Holy Spirit in us. 

So, wherever we go and do, we represent God. 

Sunday, May 23, 2021


I sometimes find myself filtering myself too much. I always mind what I'm going to say to my friends and even my family and relatives. I don't know, but I have been like these ever since I've become an adult. I was insensitive back when I was a kid up to 13 years old. But when I turned 19, that is when it has all started. 

We Filipinos are thoughtful. That goes back to our roots and history as a nation. Our parents have always told us to be considerate and friendly to every person we meet, which has molded us to be overly mindful of other people's feelings.  There's nothing terrible about being kind or something, but in my opinion, it leads us to anxiety. We don't think about ourselves anymore and often think of other's feelings instead.

It's right about time to think of your feelings too as a person. Be Good to yourself, as Steve Perry says, because nobody else will. We are all humans, susceptible to any wrong judgment. After being stricken by COVID last April, I have thought that I have to speak out about what's happening to me and never hide or keep my feelings. Science says that based on studies, I'm an introvert. But I don't want to be limited by classification. I want to break free from the norms of society and be me!

Be good to yourself, my friend. We're humans, after all, and not robots! Don't be controlled by what others may think and say about you. It's none of your business! You're not living to please them! There's more to life than thinking about what people may do or say. You'll be dead once you have put your faith and trust in people.