Monday, September 6, 2021

We are the Church

I've been praying for our church to have its property these past few days (Years, I would say, but last week was intense because it feels like it's practically time to leave the building and have our own instead). 

We have been renting this building in San Andres Bukid since 2007, and as we all know, the monthly rental tends to go higher every two or three years depending on the landlord's pressing need. Since it's pandemic, the financial situation of our church is not the same as it used to be. We either downgrade to a small building or rent a big house in Manila that can accommodate at least two families.

Early this morning, while I'm praying. God had a spoken word/message for me. "You are a church" Yes, I've been praying to have a new church building, but the truth is, the Church isn't a building but it is a gathered people. The church is who we are and not where we go. The miracles we witness and the move of the Holy Spirit in us. 

So, wherever we go and do, we represent God. 

Sunday, May 23, 2021


I sometimes find myself filtering myself too much. I always mind what I'm going to say to my friends and even my family and relatives. I don't know, but I have been like these ever since I've become an adult. I was insensitive back when I was a kid up to 13 years old. But when I turned 19, that is when it has all started. 

We Filipinos are thoughtful. That goes back to our roots and history as a nation. Our parents have always told us to be considerate and friendly to every person we meet, which has molded us to be overly mindful of other people's feelings.  There's nothing terrible about being kind or something, but in my opinion, it leads us to anxiety. We don't think about ourselves anymore and often think of other's feelings instead.

It's right about time to think of your feelings too as a person. Be Good to yourself, as Steve Perry says, because nobody else will. We are all humans, susceptible to any wrong judgment. After being stricken by COVID last April, I have thought that I have to speak out about what's happening to me and never hide or keep my feelings. Science says that based on studies, I'm an introvert. But I don't want to be limited by classification. I want to break free from the norms of society and be me!

Be good to yourself, my friend. We're humans, after all, and not robots! Don't be controlled by what others may think and say about you. It's none of your business! You're not living to please them! There's more to life than thinking about what people may do or say. You'll be dead once you have put your faith and trust in people. 

Thursday, May 20, 2021


My account got restricted today by Facebook for posting a facemask advert on my group and on my timeline. I didn't know that their in-house moderators also monitor each private timeline even if the word "facemask" is typed on the image? This gives me the impression that every account holder's timeline is being closely monitored by FB. Now I'm thinking if I would still continue using this social media since it has gotten stricter and it looks like everyone is being watched on. 

Yes, I know, every social media site has its "rules and community standards" to follow, but It's not "online seller" friendly anymore! Time to check other options. It's time to give other social media sites a chance and not only Facebook. Because they suck big time!

Good thing there's still Blogspot to air my side :)

Tuesday, May 18, 2021


Photo: grabbed from Google.

I noticed that some of the higher officials in our country are peacetime Generals. These are types of higher officials that are only trained by the book, but when real pressure and problems kick in, they easily get swayed and defeated. It's obvious how they handled the pandemic. No concrete plans. They failed to mitigate the surge of the virus. And almost did nothing about the territorial disputes against China. So embarrassing. And the list goes on.

 I don't want to be tough looking on the outside but soft on the inside. 

What's bothering me is that most of the kids today are being set up this way either by society, peers, or parents. They always tell their sons/daughters to always win in a contest or be the consistent honor student. That they shouldn't lose or else their lives would be miserable, but the truth is when real life starts to give them real problems, they easily give in because they don't know what losing is like.

We live in a day and age where losers get runner-up trophies to get that sense of (fake) entitlement. 

Let's not train our children to be softy; otherwise, LIFE will make fun of them.