The Graveyard Shift

I really don't like our shift. I'm a NAVIGATOR for one of the biggest contact centers here in the Philippines. They change our shift every 1 or 2 weeks (and sometimes suddenly) and it's killing me. Not just only me but also my workmates! We've got the ugliest shift on the production floor! it's 12:00am-9:30 am :( and this is really killing us in terms of health, and nightlife (I don't have a nightlife btw. HA!), family time, and body clock. I know that during our interview, they asked us if we are flexible/amenable to the schedule and we said "yes". Yes, we are flexible, but they should be giving us a heads-up prior to the change of schedule.

Is anyone here who's into GY shift? What do you usually guys do to cope with it?

(this post can also be seen here)


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