Saturday, September 30, 2017
Kasusweldo pa lang, UBOS na?
Aside from reading the Bible. I also make sure to read books, and keep myself educated when it comes to stewardship. It's been a long time since I finished reading a book about financial literacy. On the last few pages of this book, the author shared a secret to financial blessing. Here, he shared The Parable of Talents from Matthew 25:14 and I've learned that "If you manage God's money properly, He will entrust you More". I'll also learned that God gives Blessing "according to our abilities" Then I realized that, if you only have one ability which is "spending money carelessly" do you think God will entrust you with more? I don't think so! BUT, if you will educate yourself, and be Financially literate (e.g. investing,tithes,stocks, mutual funds,business and savings) For sure, GOD wouldn't think twice of giving You MORE! I got to work hard for these abilities so He can entrust me with MORE! Now I know why there are many people are being entrusted and Blessed to a greater extent, because they are "Financially ready and equipped" to recieve MORE!
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