Monday, October 9, 2017

30th Birthday Celebration of my Wife

SeasSpring Resort Mabini Batangas

ME and Wifey recently had a trip in SeasSpring Resort, Brgy.Mainit, Mabini Batangas. 
We went there on Oct 6, 2017 and stayed until Oct 7, 2017. Yes, It was just only a 24hour stay to celebrate my Wife's 30th Birthday but it feels like we've been there for a long time. It has this "I've already been here" vibe that I can't explain.

My rating for this resort is 8/10. Panalo yung place. Wala ring halos tao nung nandoon kami due to off-peak season. May mga Koreans tho, since they're spending their ChuSeok and the resort is also Korean-owned.

The sunrise in Mabini, Batangas is Indescribable!

Natural Sauna, so damn Hot! That rocky ground emits natural steam

View from the dinning area

-The package was CHEAP. Abot-kaya! it was only for 2,972.58php in Agoda. It was also my First time to book in Agoda. I was kind of skeptic at first if their packages are legit. LEGIT pala talaga!
-Pools (sea salt water)
-Natural Hot Spring (sobrang inet!)
-Natural Sauna (I said natural dahil umu-usok talaga yung lupa! Kahit ung seashore! Now I know why kung bakit Brgy. Mainit name ng place!
- Rooms and amenities (with Free Breakfast, Buffet!)
and the People! The staff are so Uber-Friendly!

-Foods,sobrang MAHAL bes!
-Nag fa-flactuate ung electricity nila (mga seconds lang nmn)
-Walang masyadong Freebies sa Room (ok lang, nandoon naman ako for the experience NOT for freebies!)
To be honest, I overlooked the imperfections of this place since I was there to enjoy and spend this special day with my wife which she really deserves! I'm really not good at giving reviews, I'm sorry! I'm just here to share our experience in this Breathtaking Place at Seasspring Resort!

Wifey Chillin' (their pools by the way is at 4 to 5 feet only)

Near the Cottages
I'm only one call away....

In front of our Room

Wifey told me that she has plans to go back here. I was also thinking the same thing! I didn't post a picture of our room simply because I want to leave a touch of privacy of our vacation.

But If  you are interested in booking your next vacation, book a trip now and witness the beauty of this place!

Saturday, September 30, 2017

Kasusweldo pa lang, UBOS na?

Aside from reading the Bible. I also make sure to read books, and keep myself educated when it comes to stewardship. It's been a long time since I finished reading a book about financial literacy. On the last few pages of this book, the author shared a secret to financial blessing. Here, he shared The Parable of Talents from Matthew 25:14 and I've learned that "If you manage God's money properly, He will entrust you More". I'll also learned that God gives Blessing "according to our abilities" Then I realized that, if you only have one ability which is "spending money carelessly" do you think God will entrust you with more? I don't think so! BUT, if you will educate yourself, and be Financially literate (e.g. investing,tithes,stocks, mutual funds,business and savings) For sure, GOD wouldn't think twice of giving You MORE! I got to work hard for these abilities so He can entrust me with MORE! Now I know why there are many people are being entrusted and Blessed to a greater extent, because they are "Financially ready and equipped" to recieve MORE!

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Coffee FREE for 4 months

It's been a month and two weeks since the last time I posted an entry here. Well, many things have happened, and I'm going to tell you guys about them in separate posts. First off, I'm proud to say that I'm now officially COFFEE FREE for four months! WOW! I've never really imagined that I'd be able to QUITE drinking Coffee for good!

It was tough at first! I had withdrawals, frequent headaches, and migraines (and cravings). But my wife consistently supported me and helped me quit Coffee! She told me that "It's only in mind" that you won't be able to quit it. And I said, "you know what? You're right!

I started drinking instant Coffee when I was 18 years old and got hooked on it since then. From 3-in-1 coffee to Brewed, discovered Starbucks (LOL, the countryside in me) in 2007 when I and my family transferred to Manila from Cavite. Found other coffee flavors from latte to espresso, to cappuccino, and even Americano!

At the beginning of my career as an Online teacher for Koreans way back in 2010, I remember that I couldn't even start my day without taking a sip of brewed Coffee from McDonald's! I got addicted to it! Who wouldn't get addicted to their Coffee?! Come on! It was cheap! Plus, that strong aroma fascinates me! But I've decided that this addiction has to end. I decided to quit because I'm starting to have jitters plus, I'm having a hard time getting "decent" sleep."

I'm not a slave to anything and anyone! Yes, that's my daily motivation (or so-called mantra by adults, lol!)

I stopped drinking Coffee on May 31, 2017. (Yes, yes, I know, It's almost four months contrary to the title of this post) In Psychology, they said that in every bad habit that you think you need to change, there should be a BETTER substitute. So I decided to replace Coffee with GREEN TEA!

Yes! I know that Teas are NOT caffeine-free, BUT they contain less caffeine (3.12 mg )than Coffee (40 mg), and in turn, black and green tea has a lot less caffeine than Coffee. So if you're looking to reduce your caffeine intake (but not eliminate it), green tea is the right choice! Green tea is the healthiest beverage on the planet. It is loaded with antioxidants and nutrients that have powerful effects on the body.

In my disclaimer, I'm not totally "caffeine" free BUT rather COFFEE FREE. Free from the addiction and its Slavery! Ever since I quit Coffee, I can now sleep soundly and decently. Free from jitters and exhaustion!

this post can also be seen here


UPDATE: As of 4/10/2024, I went back drinking to coffee, well actually, I wrote this post down back in 2017, and after a month or so of writing this post, I went back to drinking coffee! I'm really sorry!

Wednesday, August 9, 2017

Long overdue Birthday celebration

I know that this post is long overdue. But I celebrated my birthday last August 1 and I'm now 32 years old! I really can't believe that I've reached another milestone. I consider myself BLeSSed to reach this age, and I thank God for that! Me and wifey started to celebrate my birthday at home and waited for the clock to strike at 12 am. It's quite funny because my parents were sleeping that time, (By the way, Mom though my birthday was on July 31, hahaha) I tell you, Wifey sang the quietest birthday song ever to me! :D

I actually got surprised with the gifts that she gave to me! (and of course, the rest of my birthday celebration is a secret. :p I only shared bits of it)

Being at the age of 32 means a lot to me. It feels I'm starting a NEW CHAPTER of my Life! Leaving every mistake but not forgetting the lessons I've learned. God is good!

P.S. - Attached is a picture of the cake that my Co-primary leaders bought for me and the gifts from my wife

This post can also be seen here

Friday, July 21, 2017

Gone too soon, RIP Chester Bennington

I'm an avid fan of Linkin Park since their Hybrid Theory days.. I remember I even saved money just to buy their REANIMATION album. Played their music when I was a drummer back in higschool with my bandmates. Everyone here has their fair share of LP moments with Chester Bennington. After Chris Cornell, then this? I will miss your voice man, really...

this post can also be seen here

Sunday, July 16, 2017

Jack of all trades, master of none. Is there anything wrong with that?

Grabbed from Google

This is what always bugs me. Is it a bad thing to be a "Jack of all trades"? I find it weird whenever my friends call me that. I think I'm a perfect example of it. I just can't stand when they make a fuss about it. As if it's there's something wrong from being "good" at almost everything!

For me, especially in this day and age, being a "generalist" is no longer a bad thing. You will always have "the edge" among others in terms of jobs, skills, and opportunity for promotion!

Well, in my case, aside from playing the piano, I can also play the guitar, the bass guitar, and the drums. I'm also an ESL teacher, a Customer Service Representative for a BPO company., and A blogger!

To sum this up, I guess we need more "jack of all trades" in our society. But instead of sticking to that phrase, we need to change it to "Jack of all trades, master of all" How's that sound?

this post can also be seen here

Thursday, June 22, 2017

The Graveyard Shift

I really don't like our shift. I'm a NAVIGATOR for one of the biggest contact centers here in the Philippines. They change our shift every 1 or 2 weeks (and sometimes suddenly) and it's killing me. Not just only me but also my workmates! We've got the ugliest shift on the production floor! it's 12:00am-9:30 am :( and this is really killing us in terms of health, and nightlife (I don't have a nightlife btw. HA!), family time, and body clock. I know that during our interview, they asked us if we are flexible/amenable to the schedule and we said "yes". Yes, we are flexible, but they should be giving us a heads-up prior to the change of schedule.

Is anyone here who's into GY shift? What do you usually guys do to cope with it?

(this post can also be seen here)

Wednesday, June 21, 2017

How did you celebrate Father's day?

photo grabbed from Google

I celebrated Father's day by giving my dad a perfume (I and my wife live with my parents by the way), then spent the rest of the day with my sister who happened to visit my parents together with her husband and kids. We ate lunch together. It was really nostalgic. Speaking of perfume, we're a family that likes perfume!  I've been married for 6 years now but I don't have a kid yet (working on it) TBH, I kinda got a bit jealous when our company gave Father's day mugs to legit Dads (you know, those who are married and already have kids)  But it's okay... How about you? how did you celebrate Father's Day?

 (this post can also be seen here)

Sunday, June 11, 2017


We all have a list of "Favorite Quotes" one-liners, sayings, or phrases that we always read from time to time whenever we feel down, or in need of some moral boost. For me, quotes represent the famous [iconic] people who had coined them. Even though these are just only a group of words, they possess the EXPERIENCE and HISTORY of the person who had thought of them! That's how these quotes get their strength! The Bible says, “The tongue has the power of life and death, and those who love it will eat its fruit” - Proverbs 18:21.

Yes, Our words have the power to destroy and the power to build up.

Today, I want to share some of my favorite quotes that I collected. These quotes were grabbed from blog posts, articles, movies, tv series and novels that I've watched and read. The ones that are in BOLD are my favorites or had given serious impact in my life! I will update this particular post for the latest ones that I'll come across with.

➦“take risks, find what’s true for you, don’t take the easy path.”

➦Follow your heart. Do it, even if it doesn’t 100% make sense. It might not work out exactly how you imagine, but it’s probably less risky than you think. And either way, you’ll learn something.

➦If you never try and take great opportunities, or allow your dreams to become realities, you will never unleash your true potential.

➦Voice your ideas, don’t be afraid to fail, and certainly don’t be afraid to succeed.

➦“Your playing small does not serve the world. There is nothing enlightened about shrinking so that other people will not feel insecure around you. We are all meant to shine, as children do. 

➦“You only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.” — Mae West

➦“Take care of your body. It’s the only place you have to live.” — Jim Rohn
➦These healthy habits shouldn’t be something you do; they should be something you embody.
➦There is a difference between: “Working out to get a summer body” and “Working out because that’s who you are.”

➦Small steps, but you will thank yourself one day.

➦Don’t allow fear of the what-ifs prevent you from doing the things you want to do.
➦Not everyone will like you; get over it and let these people fall to the wayside. You don’t need them in your life.
➦As I always say: better to be disliked for who you truly are than loved for what you’re pretending to be.
➦Its real power is that you gain access to the highest quality hours of the day. (Waking up early in the morning)
➥Quiet, uninterrupted time you can carve out exclusively for yourself when you’re at your sharpest. It’s a powerful and exceedingly rare combination.
➦With the rest of your time spoken for, why not use the first hours of the day exclusively for what matters to you
➦To be successful, you can’t continue being with low-frequency people for long periods of time.
➦Your days must consistently be spent on high-quality activities.
➦“A lot of people don’t do well simply because they major in minor things.”
➦Stop caring about what other people think and actively live your life.
➦When you’re true to yourself and don’t allow the assumed thoughts of others dictate your choices, life possibilities expand, and your joy increases.

Worry is an unhealthy and destructive mental habit.”Norman Vincent Peale

the human is a social animal, and I don’t think we can ever be truly bulletproof.

Spend your time with those who will improve you; extend a welcome to those you can improve. The effect is reciprocal, for people learn while teaching.

Once you realize that the rest of humanity is just as flawed as you are, it is a lot easier to discard their remarks.

Eleanor Roosevelt once said, “No one can make you feel inferior without your consent.”

Although she couldn’t control what people thought of her, she could control the way she thought about herself.

“The future depends on what we do in the present.”

Mahatma Gandhi


The phrase “A ship in harbor is safe, but that is not what ships are built for,” is truer than ever for your confidence.

the past is the past and it cannot be undone. Learn from it and move on.

Stop comparing yourself to others.

“Comparison is the thief of joy” — Theodore Roosevelt

“Never let your fear decide your fate.”AWOLNATION, "Kill Your Heroes"
“The struggle you're in today is developing the strength you need for tomorrow.”

“Be creative. Don’t be worried about what you are doing — one has to do manythings — but do everything creatively, with devotion. Then your work becomes worship. Then whatsoever you do is a prayer. And whatsoever you do is an offering at the altar.” — Osho

“You can't use up creativity. The more you use, the more you have.”May 
Maya Angelou

a Angelou
"Well life has a funny way of sneaking up on you
When you think everything's okay and everything's going right.
And life has a funny way of helping you out when You think everything's gone wrong and everything blows up In your face"... - Ironic by Alanis Morrisette

I make no apologies for who I am. Because the older I get, the more I realize I don't have time to worry about people who don't like me.

“Until you cross the bridge of your insecurities, you
can't begin to explore your possibilities.” - Tim Fargo

Life will throw you curveballs, so have an emergency plan.

Personal finance is 20% knowledge, 80% behavior - Dave Ramsey

Income does not determine wealth

 “If you don’t design your own life plan, chances are you’ll fall into someone else’s plan. And guess what they have planned for you? Not much.”

You must take control or otherwise, you will be living someone else’s plan

How well your morning starts and unfolds determines how great your day will be.

(Updated 12-30-18)